Tuesday 31 January 2012


1. List type of camera that you are currently using.
I have a Carl Zessis digital camera although it's a piece of crap it drains battery power like a @!$%# and it's broken but when it worked it was really good.
2. List software that you are familiar with and the time that you have spent using them.
Cannon and Kodak.

3. Provide me with some information regarding your interest areas. This should be interest areas outside of the school environment.
I like to fight (for fun), play Xbox 360, watch movies on my own time, and hang out with friends.

4. What are your career plans and how might this course support your interest in this area. I want to join the RCMP right after I graduate, that's when i'll send my application in. Maybe i'll need to take a picture of a dead body or a crime scene.

5. What would you like to learn in this course. Be specific if you can as this will help me with some of the planning. I've already takin this course once so I know alot already but I'm sure there's more to learn.

6. How do you learn best? You may learn best with video, text, visual examples and or listing or auditory. I'm a visual learner.

7. Who are photographers that you admire? What type of photography or what aspect of photography do you enjoy the most?
Morgan Norman. Very good photographer.

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